
Wellness Check-up

Wellness exams are important even for healthy pets. They are a great way to help your companion maintain optimal health by focusing on prevention and early disease detection. 


Dogs AND Cats require nail trims. If left untrimmed the nail will eventually curl into the paw pad and skin. Long nails put a lot of pressure on the foot and leg structure when they walk which can cause ongoing pain and potentially arthritis. Nail trims can help increase your pet's mobility by relieving joint pressure, straightening posture, and distributing weight evenly. Short nails also help avoid snagging or breaking a long nail resulting in a broken toe, bleeding, pain, or infection.

Anal Glands 

Anal glands usually express themselves naturally during a bowel movement. If they don't express themselves the material will build up. The pressure is what causes your pet to scoot, lick, or bite. The glands can become infected or rupture if left untreated; therefore, it is better to address the issue when you first notice the signs. Although it is more common in dogs, cats can have problems expressing their anal glands as well.


It is very important to include dental hygiene as a part of your pet's routine health care. Poor dental hygiene can lead to bad breath, tooth loss, broken teeth, oral pain, dental disease, and organ damage. Bad teeth can result in heart complications. By being proactive and preventing these negative outcomes you can increase longevity for your companion.

This service includes cleaning, polishing, extractions, anesthesia, and take-home medications. Dogs and Cats over the age of 8 are recommended to get bloodwork done before to review if there are any underlying health conditions. 

Ear cleaning

The single most effective way to prevent ear infections is to regularly clean their ears and clean them properly. Dogs with floppy ears or ones that swim a lot require more frequent ear cleans to avoid itchy, infected ears. It is always best to get your pet's ears examined before cleaning or administering medication to ensure the eardrum is intact. Cat's ears are extremely sensitive and can be damaged if not cleaned properly. Ask your vet how you can safely maintain good hygiene with your companion's ears at home too! 


A fecal test is most commonly performed to examine your pet's stool for intestinal parasites. Other reasons are to check for bacteria, digestive absorption abilities, fat, or any abnormalities. This test helps to identify and then treat problems to protect your pet's health and others they are in contact with. 


Microchipping your pet gives them the best chance of being identified by their unique code and safely returned home if they escape. Fi Nano is fully searchable by AAHA 24/7. There is no registration fee. 

Vaccinations FOR DOGS

Rabies ( 1 or 3 years )


Bordetella (Kennel Cough)

Vaccinations FOR CATS

Rabies ( 1 or 3 years )



Blood testing is used as a diagnostic tool and also to prevent illness. Animals have a natural instinct to hide symptoms of not feeling well. Annual blood testing can aid in the early detection of illness and improve the recovery outcome by prompt treatment. Over time results can be used to track any changes or patterns and identify if a condition might be developing.


Urinalysis evaluates the health of the kidneys and urinary system. It can help in the detection of disorders and diseases such as Urinary Tract Infections, Crystals/Stones, Diabetes, Ketosis, Kidney Disease, and Liver Disease. Annual urinalysis can also aid in early detection and preventative care especially as pet's age. 


Spaying and neutering not only decreases the risk of unwanted puppies/kittens but is beneficial for their health long term as well. Spaying female dogs and cats can prevent uterine infection and lessen the risk of breast cancer. Neutering male dogs and cats can eliminate the chance of testicular cancer. It can also reduce the risk of an enlarged prostate and prostate cancer. Sterilizing your pet helps them live longer, healthier lives. 

Heartworm testing

If your pet is over 6 months of age and hasn't been on heartworm prevention, they will need a heartworm test. This test requires a small sample of blood to detect if there are any antigens in the blood. It will also be able to detect antigens for three other tick diseases: Lyme disease, Ehrlichiosis, and Anaplasmosis. 

Heartworm treatment 


Orthopedic Surgeries

Orthopedic surgeries repair joints, bones, ligaments, and muscles. In some cases, depending on the diagnosis or complexity of the surgery a patient would be referred to a specialist.


A cesarean section, or c-section, is a major surgery to remove puppies or kittens from the mother's uterus. 

We have a set C-section package that includes the procedure, anesthesia, and medications.